WELCOME TO Neshama Soul Therapy, LLC


Relationship anxiety? 

Self Esteem Issues?

Fear of being intimate due to past Trauma?

Repeating similar arguements over and over again?

Feel like your not being heard?

 Hi, I’m Ester Buchnik, founder of Neshama Soul Therapy. I understand how tricky it gets when it comes to Relationships. I help couples and families that are struggling with emotional connection and physical intimacy. Individuals who suffered a sexual trauma, abuse, infidelity or emotional trauma and have a hard time letting their guard down.

Individuals with anxious attachment styles, dissmissive attachment styles or a combination who get overwhelmed easily and forget their own needs while attending to others

By the time people reach out they are burnt out, depleted, and overwhelmed.  Lets help you create relationships with yourself, and others, where you feel fulfilled.

You're in the Right Place if...

You end up in hurtful situtionships but just want to be loved

Your sick of fighting because you feel rejected or misunderstood

You Feel Stuck Hurt and Alone


How does therapy work?

A head’s up - I’m NOT the typical talk therapist. I’m NOT interested in you sitting on the other side of your phone or computer screen with me for years. I want you to jump all in, do the hard work, heal well, and get on with living your full life. Yes there maybe times in life where you can check back in a few years if you have an adjustment in life but the goal is to help you learn the tools to allow you to be your best selves in your relationships  

Instead of putting out fires, I want to find out and deal with what’s causing them in the first place.

Once all the dust has settled, we’ll get to repairing what’s broken and then even manifest all you WANT to see happen in your love life, relationship with freinds, work colleagues, and self.

Then we’ll get to planning and building so that you can actually ENJOY what you’ve created!

Therapy involves:

  • Weekly, 45-60 minute sessions for 24-48 weeks so we build and work off of good momentum
  • Using the Emotional Focused Therapy in combination with Solution Focused therapy to discover your patterns of thinking, feeling, and doing that create areas of self-sabotage in your life and relationships
  • Using either DBT, CBT, or EMDR to process and create healthier behaviors in response to stress, anxiety, and trauma so that in essence you are rewiring your brain and behavior that you can't do by yourself
  • Making incremental but lasting changes to how you live and create new “muscle memory”
  • Finding RELIEF and reconnecting to your healthier version of self, relationships with others, and create those boundaries for self-love and self-care
  • Gaining empathy and connection to others with healthy boundaries, respect, and patterns that will create healthy lovea in ways both you and your loved ones need
  • Learn about trauma bonding, attachment styles, and how situations in the household can affect you in many ways but also learn how to unlearn toxic patterns and stop the intergenerational trauma

By the end of therapy, you will…

  • Understnad your emotions.
  • Create  self-worth in yourself.
  • Advocate for your needs without “I’m sorry.”
  • Use boundaries to protect what matters to you and limit toxic interactions from others.
  • Make your relationships more mutually beneficial.
  • Live in self-control, not others-control or -controlled.
  • Learn to enjoy life and rest without guilt.
  • Heal from sexual abuse and trauma and reconnect sexually to your partner from a place of safety and love

Ah!!! Where do I begin?

This is easy, contact me for a free 15 minute phone call 

[email protected]


Neshama Soul Therapy

Therapy for the Soul

Located In Hollywood, FL

Serving all of Florida as a Telehealth Provider


  • nathan
    Dr. Nathan Anderson
  • nathan
    Dr. Nathan Anderson
  • nathan
    Dr. Nathan Anderson

Hours of Operation


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


11:00 am - 7:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 1:00 pm



